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Russells named one of the UK’s fastest growing companies

The research by the London Stock Exchange also highlighted Russells Construction as one of Manchester’s top 42 most inspiring firms, thanks to continued grown over recent years, which has seen the Trafford-based business top £70million in turnover.

Gareth and Andrew Russell

The London Stock Exchange Group’s 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain report is a celebration of the UK’s fastest-growing and most dynamic small and medium sized businesses. To be included in the list, companies needed to show consistent revenue growth over a minimum of three years, significantly outperforming their industry peers. [More detail on the methodology can be found in the report online at]

Xavier Rolet, Chief Executive, London Stock Exchange Group said: “The ‘1000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ report continues to highlight the dynamic, entrepreneurial and ambitious businesses across the country that are boosting UK productivity, driving economic growth and creating jobs.

“The strength and diversity of these companies is readily apparent with a broad mix of UK regions and sectors represented. These companies are the very heart of an ‘anti-fragile’ economy: more robust; more flexible and less prone to boom and bust. We must ensure we continue doing all we can to support high growth potential businesses like these.

The Rt Hon Greg Clark, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, added: “I want to congratulate the 1000 companies from across the UK featured in London Stock Exchange Group’s pioneering 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain report. Championing high growth innovative SMEs is crucial for the continued success of the UK economy and a country that works for everyone. We are committed to ensuring that companies of all sizes can access finance to grow, scale-up and create high quality well-paid jobs across the country.”

A full searchable database of all of the companies along with a downloadable pdf of the publication can be found online at

To see how the Manchester Evening News reported the story click here