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Topping Out: Picture Gallery

The stunning building, Property Alliance Group’s luxury residential tower on the corner of Whitworth Street and Trafford Street, has reached its highest point.
The occasion was marked with an official Topping Out ceremony. [Read more]

View from Whitworth Street, the hoist will be removed early 2019 and the external envelope fully completed.

Axis Topping Out Russells Construction Property Alliance Group Nov 2018 7

Architect Jon Matthews hands over his original sketches of the building to Russells Construction’s construction director John Millward in a lighthearted ceremony to mark the Topping Out

(L-R: John Millward and commercial director Nick Sunderland from Russells, Dylan Williams of Property Alliance Group, John Crellin of Jon Matthews Architects, David Russell of Property Alliance Group, and Jon Matthews)

Jon Matthews and John Millward
Architect Jon Matthews entertains the crowd

David Russell told how the building is the realisation of a long held vision.
He described the history of the site, the excellence of the delivery team, support of the city council and how sales are already exceeding expectations.

David Russells talks about his vision for the building

The four elements placed into the hole along with the time-capsule:

Wine – symbolises fertility & wisdom

Oil – symbolises liberty & prosperity

Corn – symbolises ripening prosperity into abundance

Salt – symbolises purity and hospitality

The four elements which made up the ancient rite were wine, oil, salt and seed
Dylan Williams from Property Alliance Group pours in the wine
David Russell from Property Alliance Group pours in the oil
Architect John Crellin adds the seeds
Magda Borys from Russells adds the salt

The time-capsule, containing: a copy of Jon Matthews’ original sketch, a copy of the day’s Manchester Evening News, a copy of the winning student’s coursework, pictures of the site team and the project so far, material samples and a shop receipt containing current food costs.

The time capsule contains a newspaper and project memorabilia

The senior project team from Russells Construction with the building’s architect and developer.
(L-R) Gareth Russell, architect Jon Matthews, John Millward and Nick Sunderland, and David Russell of Alliance.

The senior project team for Axis Tower, Gareth Russell, Jon Matthews, John Millward, Nick Sunderland and David Russell

The pre-cast concrete hole was sealed with concrete, with members of the project team invited to add the first spadefuls.

Gareth Russell helps to seal the capsule in place
Paul Doyle from Russells Construction
PJ McIntyre from Heyrod
Dean Moran of Russells Construction
Construction director John Millward
Paul Gillespie of Heyrod Construction